Tuesday, August 7, 2012

House Auctioned Off at the Courthouse

Am I the only one that has dreamed of bidding on that perfect soon-to-be-perfect-once-my-awesome-hubby-fixes-it-up house for an incredible deal at an auction on the courthouse steps?

We triple-puffy-heart-love our neighborhood.  Who wouldn't love a neighborhood that has Santa visit on Christmas Eve, a spring block party, random summer get-togethers, Halloween parade ending with another block party and the best neighbors anyone could ask for? The problem is that I would prefer to eventually have a slightly larger home.  The good news is that we own the smallest floorplan in our home, so there is the potential to upgrade and keep our awesome neighbors.  So when a great house in our neighborhood came up for auction, you bet that we the hubby headed down to the courthouse to place our bid!

I have to admit that I might have already been decorating this new house on Pinterest.  Even though we haven't been inside.  And the only details we know about the house is that it has 2.5 baths.  But I had a dining room color scheme ready to go, if it had a dining room.  And visions of an awesome bonus room, since those dormer windows above the garage meant that it just had to have one, right?  Well, here it was.  Our chance to finally be one of those people that you always hear about buying a house for half of what it was worth.  They fix it up and make it just gorgeous.

Well, yesterday we did it!  That's right!  We were one of those people.

But then someone else bid. 

And then someone else.

And we lost!  But at least we can say we tried, right?


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