Hi! I'm a Redhead who lives in Raleigh, NC!
Shocking, I know! I love rodeo and spreadsheets. I hate most things funny. Thankfully for you, I've been told my blog is much funnier than I am in person.
I'm also an accountant, planner extraordinaire and
soon-to-be-foster-mom. Actually, I'm already a licensed foster parent. But we are
just waiting for the foster kid(s)
so excited to welcome Artichoke and Zucchini into our home sad to say goodbye riding the foster care roller coaster again with
Butter Bean! Names and faces have been changed to protect the innocent. No really, this is my story as a foster mom so you won't find many details about the kid(s). But you will hear quite often about how cute they are!
I like frozen blueberries, which is awkward since I'm cold natured. But I love hot chocolate, especially when it is spicy. Or really anything chocolate. Or pumpkin flavored. I'm definitely not Betty Crocker, but I enjoy cooking. Even if I can't make pudding without burning it. But I have found
some yummy recipes that even I can't mess up!
I hope you'll stick around to see the randomness life throws my way. I love comments. So leave me some love. Oh, and email is fun too! So make my day and send me a note at
Redhead@RedheadinRaleigh.com. You can even subscribe by email so I can make your day too! If you really want to be my friend, you can like me on
Facebook or follow me on
There will be typo's, incomplete sentences and non-agreeing noun and verbs. I married an English major so he could edit my papers and I could do his math homework. Unfortunately, there are no more math problems which means no more proof reading. Sorry about that!
The Hubby! |
And one time. At choir camp. I met this guy. And then
I married him. True story. So yes, that means that we both can sing. People love to sit near us in church. Or go Christmas caroling with us. He's a northern boy, but not your typical Yankee. He has manners (sometimes) and likes sweet tea and grits. He's a loyal Yankees fan, making me a Yankee fan through marriage. I don't mind. They win and have some good eye candy. He is also obsessed with gnocchi, saving the world and using big words- clearly that isn't rubbing off on me!
The Puppy! |
I'm a dog snob. Grew up with pure-bred Goldens and Labs, who we trained to become Guide Dogs for the Blind. Some made it. Others had career changes and became pets. Or bomb sniffing dogs in Egypt.
As expected our first child was a Golden. Named him Rutabaga since I was dumb enough to let my husband name him after his favorite word. Who has favorite words? We call him Rudy when he's not in trouble. He oinks, carries in groceries and loves anything paper. Oh, and he is super cute if you didn't notice!
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