Saturday, March 17, 2012

Would you consider an infant?

Apparently there is a shortage are no foster families available for infants entering care in our county.  Why? 1-  There has been an influx of infants entering care.  2-  Families able to take infants are limited.  Infants require much more flexibility than any other age child since they require care for 6 weeks until they can enter daycare.

This is sad news.  Really we don't want any child entering care.

Our social worker confirmed today that we are available and interested in taking an infant.  I told them that if they called today, we would say YES without a doubt!  Who doesn't love infant snuggles?

We are blessed that Kevin's work has been super supportive of us becoming foster parents, offering him an even more flexible work schedule.  And I have been stockpiling my vacation and sick days, so that once a child enters our lives I can take some time off for our family to adjust to our new normal.  

You always hear stories of families receiving a child before they are licensed, and this just seemed like the beginning of one of those stories.  I'm not holding out hope that we'd get a child tomorrow.  And probably because I posted this, it isn't going to work out.  But I want to document all of the ups and downs of this journey, so here it is!  Nonetheless, it is very exciting that we are so close to where a child could enter our house any day.


  1. It was tough! Those first 6 weeks- trying to juggle working, staying home, working from home, my mom's schedule so she could stay with the baby...

    I have to admit, I learned I don't ever want to work from home- but I would do it again for another child if I had to!

    Can't wait for your to get a placement! We're still working on learning and practicing patience in the process...

  2. I love the thought of getting an infant for so many reasons. But those first six weeks already seem very complicated, but oh so worth it! I'm trying to not stress over it too much since if I do then we'll end up with a 5 year old! I'm just excited that we are getting so close to having a little one in our house!
