Monday, January 23, 2012

WW: I'm Running Today

Instead of listing daily "winnings" this week, I have one "winning" that is big enough for the entire week.  I am really proud of this achievement and super excited to see where it leads me.

I completed the first week of C25K!  Woot!  Woot!

For those of you who are new around here, C25K is a 9 week running program that utilizes running/walking intervals to transition beginning runner from couch to a 5k race.

For those readers who have been around awhile, you know that this isn't my first attempt at this program.  In part that is why I'm so excited about finishing the first week.  For me it is definitely harder to restart something that you haven't finished before, than start something new.  I had lots of self doubts going into my first run.  Would I be able to keep up?  Would I get injured again?  The truth is- I completely rocked that first run!  So much so that I really surprised myself at how fast I was able to run and how good it felt.

This go round I have a completely different mindset.  I am no longer focusing on everything.  What 5k I should sign up for?  What if I need to repeat a week?  Then I need to find another 5k.  How am I going to squeeze in my run 3 weekends from now when I might be out of town?  Is my foot going to hold up?  What am I going to do if I get injured again?  Should I keep running through some discomfort, but not pure pain?

So what am I focusing on this time?  I'm running today.  That's it.  That's my entire mindset this go round.  Sometimes it might just be- I'm running this minute.  I'll decide about the next minute when it comes.

Will I complete the entire program?  I have no clue.  But I know I will complete my next run.  And that's enough for me.

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